
Regab or Castel, of course! Tchibanga is PACKED with street bars and even some food stalls grilling fish at night - mostly tilapia, but some meat kebabs and even chicken feet if you're feeling brave. Kebabs or tilapia with spicy red pepper sauce pimant are really good with your cold beer. Some of the hotels in the center of town have nightclubs. Try to avoid the fancy clubs in favor of the more local ones - it's fun to watch the locals dance to their favorite Zook or Zaireois tunes. I often wonder if "Premier Gao" is still #1 in the clubs! The Tchibanga high school students are great dancers and will put you to shame. It's customary to put a CFA note on someone's forehead when they're doing a good job dancing. Be forewarned that they love to watch foreigners embarrass themselves!